The Counseling Center offers confidential mental health services within a brief model, at no extra cost, to currently enrolled students to address a variety of emotional and psychological issues. Appointments are available online or by calling 512.245.2208.
Minds Matter: Mental Health and Related Resources
In case of a medical or mental health life-threatening emergency, call 911.

Counseling Center Maps
The Counseling Center has two locations - one in San Marcos and one in Round Rock.
Hays County Crisis Phone Line
Hill Country MHDD: 877.466.0660
Williamson County Crisis Phone Line
Bluebonnet Trails: 844.309.6385

Free counseling, self-care resources, health coaching, a peer community for sharing with others who may be having the same problems, and psychiatry by referral. Download the TimelyCare app today!
University Health Services
The Student Health Center is your healthcare clinic on campus. Students can stay on campus to get high-quality comprehensive medical care and mental health services from experienced providers — physicians, nurses practitioners, nurses, and health educators.

Dean of Students - CARE Center
The CARE Center provides guidance to students who experience personal challenges that may affect their academic success. Students may seek help from the CARE Center to connect to support resources and services.